Part 2: [In] lieu [of] passive and active embodiment. 23.10.15. Location: 25.746257, 28.209042. Duration: 2:08:00.
By juxtaposing footage from one of the protests (filmed by Katherine V Robinson) with the Part 1 footage, played backwards, my intent is to create a tension between the absurdity and passivity of my performance in relation to the energetic embodiment of the protestors. It is important to note that the red t-shirt and blue jeans are in no way associated with a specific political party but rather a poetic visual connection between myself and the protestors, an extended metaphor for a community with which I walk and stand with.
These tensions are subtly woven into the visual language of the video piece and hopefully challenge one’s understanding of autonomy, active and passive embodiment associated with private and public realms of safety and surveillance, which led to forceful displacement by security and police, in the case of the protests.